
Author: getridof_it

Radio K.A.O.S.

The Tide has Turned on my Radio KAOS Tape

In the early 1980s I heard “The Wall” for the first time and I became in instant Pink Floyd fan. This would be followed by hearing Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals, and other greats. I progressed through the albums and as a high schooler, began to focus on ousted frontman […]

Portfolio CDs – a Thing of the Past

As cool as the craftsmanship is, I simply could not find a reason to keep this wooden DVD / CD-Rom case anymore. Granted, I held onto it for almost 20 years, but with the creation of this site (and the shrinking of the storage capacity of my now-finished basement), I took a long hard look […]

My First Vinyl – in Cassette Form

The very first album I ever owned was Van Halen – Van Halen. I got it for my eighth birthday, along with some pop rocks, and other ephemera. Having heard it at a relatives house, I instantly fell in love, and knew I had to have it. At seven years old I was already on […]

Ammo Cans – Not Cool Enough to Keep

I held on to these forever; not even sure where I got them. (?) Likely my dad gave me something important / of merit, and it came in an ammo can. Then I kept the ammo can because of the coolness level. But the truth of the matter is beyond the cool factor, the container […]

hyundai cordless drill

Drilling with a Wedding Present

We got a monetary wedding gift from my parents when we were married. I used that to get what I determined to be essential tools and other needs for our house. One of the things I got was this Hyundai drill. This drill setup baby gates, hung curtain roads, drilled drywall screws, and built countless […]

My mom and dad's dining room table, that became mine

The Table that I Didn’t Want to Let Go

My retired mom and dad moved to Philly in 2004. As a result, everything in the house had to go, including mom & dad’s dining room table. That table came with me, and would become the dining room table in our small, first house. At that point my wife and I were actually making an […]

Me with my 1985 BSR Speakers from DAK Catalog

Me & My BSR DR-1550R speakers

My first two jobs were dishwashing and bagging groceries. The first one covered the summer of 1985, and afforded me a fine, used, 1978 JAG snowmobile come Fall. The second was bagging groceries at Trig’s Food and Drug in Minocqua WI, something I would continue for several years, but that first year set me on […]

A pile of VCR tapes, recorded over the years

Moving on From My Pile of VHS tapes.

My parents joined the cultural elite in 1983, purchasing our first VCR. Soon we would have a mountain of video tapes, from recording movies, local news, television shows, and school performances. Somehow at the ripe old age of 12 I became the operator, recorder and curator of everything revolving the Video Cassette Recorder, and its […]
